Tuesday, 20 August 2013

My Beloved Daughter And Dignified Teacher...

My beloved daughter and dignified teacher Asma al-Beltaji; I do not say goodbye to you; I say tomorrow we shall meet again.

You have lived with your head held high, rebellious against tyranny and shackles and loving freedom. You have lived as a silent seeker of new horizons to rebuild this nation to assume its place among civilizations.

You never occupied yourself with what preoccupies those of your age. Even though traditional studies failed to fulfil your aspirations and interest; you have always been the first in your class.

I have not had enough of your precious company in this short life, especially that my time did not allow me to enjoy your companionship. The last time we sat together at Rabaa Al Adawiya square you asked me "even when you are with us you are busy" and I told you "it seems that this life will not be enough to enjoy each other's company so I pray to God that we enjoy our companionship in paradise."

Two nights before you were murdered I saw you in my dream in a white wedding dress and you were an icon of beauty. When you lay next to me I asked you "Is it your wedding night?" You answered, "It is in the noon not the evening". When they told me you were murdered on Wednesday afternoon I understood what you meant and I knew God had accepted your soul as a martyr. You strengthened my belief that we are on the truth and our enemy is on falsehood.

It caused me severe pain not to be at your last farewell and see you for the last time; not to kiss your forehead; and not be honoured to lead your funeral prayer. I swear to God, my darling I was not afraid for my life or from an unjust prison, but I wanted to carry the message you scarified your soul for; to complete the revolution, to win and achieve its objectives.

Your soul has been elevated with your head held high resisting the tyrants. The treacherous bullets have hit you in the chest. What spectacularly determined and pure soul. I am confident that you were honest to God and He has chosen you among us to honour you with sacrifice.

Finally, my beloved daughter and dignified teacher:

I do not say goodbye, but I say farewell. We shall meet soon with our beloved Prophet and his companions in Heaven where our wish to enjoy each other's company and our loved ones' company will come true.

- See more at: http://www.middleeastmonitor.com/news/africa/7007-letter-from-dr-mohamed-beltaji-to-his-martyred-daughter#sthash.SmNtYbdI.dpuf


DEAR-Drop Everything And Read

Ke Arah Pembentukkan Minda Pendidik Kelas Pertama

"Sejahtera akidahnya, sahih ibadahnya, teguh akhlaknya, terdidik fikirannya, kuat badannya, mampu untuk mengusahakan mata pencariannya, teratur dalam segala urusannya, sentiasa menjaga waktunya dan sentiasa memberi manfaat kepada orang lain" (As Syahid Imam Hasan al Banna)

Istimewanya zaman remaja...

Tujuh golongan manusia akan dilindungi oleh Allah pada hari di mana tidak ada perlindungan kecuali perlindunganNya iaitu:
1) Imam yang adil
2) Pemuda / remaja (lelaki & perempuan) yang tekun beribadat kepada Allah
3) Seorang lelaki yang hatinya terpaut kepada masjid, (hatinya sentiasa ingat) dari masa ia keluar dari masjid hingga ia balik semula ke masjid
4) Dua orang *lelaki yang berkasih-kasihan di dalam (mencari ridha) Allah, keduanya bertemu kerana Allah dan berpisah pula kerana Allah
5) Seorang *lelaki yang mengingati Allah, di masa sunyi sepi sehingga menitiskan air mata.
6) Seorang lelaki yang diajak oleh seorang wanita yang berkedudukan tinggi, cantik rupa parasnya untuk melakukan perbuatan jahat, ia berkata, "Aku takut kepada tuhan seluruh alam"
7) Seorang *lelaki yang memberi sedekah dengan suatu sedekah, lalu disembunyikan sedekah itu, sehingga tangan kirinya tidak mengetahui apa yang diinfakkan oleh tangan kanannya.

Kita lah Ulil Albab...

"Lo! In the creation of the heaven and the earth and (in) the difference of night and day are tokens (of His sovereignity) for man of understanding"

"Sesungguhnya dalam penciptaan langit dan bumi, dan pengantian malam dan siang terdapat tanda-tanda (kebesaran Allah) bagi orang yang berakal"

(Ali-Imran: 190)


Al-Zukhruf: 43-44

"Dengan yang demikian, berpegang teguhlah kepada Al-Quran yang telah diwahyukan kepadamu; kerana sesungguhnya engkau berada di atas jalan yang lurus. Dan sesungguhnya Al Quran itu memberikan kemuliaan dan peringatan kepadamu (wahai Muhammad) dan kepada kaummu; dan kamu akan ditanya kelak (tentang isi kandungannya yang kamu telah amalkan)."